22 September 2009

Happy fall :0)

I love my life and I often wonder if it could get any better than this.

Granted, sometimes its rough and I can get tired and frustrated, but there is a deep-seeded joy
that comes from working with the land and knowing that I am a part of something that is helping the environment and not destroying it. Organic farming feels right. It feels right to be outside every day. It feels right to have my hands dirty. It feels right to eat something that I have just picked knowing that I helped to grow it and that it isn't laced with chemicals. 

People often ask me what my plans are now that i have graduated from college. Farming, I tell them. Most people snicker, but I don't care. This farm, this place, this way of life is where my heart resides and I wouldn't want any other way. I am content and joyful and satisfied. I spent my morning picking strawberries (and eating them), playing with my dog, feeding pigs watermelons, gathering sweet potatoes and watering plants. Life is good. 

In other news.... 

My after noon yesterday was spent cooking a 5.7 pound sweet potato into 3 pies and a mashed with butter concoction. And for your viewing pleasure: before and after pictures :0)


Holly said...

yum. i think you should feed me next time i'm in the joe.

Beth said...

Survey Sister, I just about fell off the couch I am sitting on when I saw that you updated!!!! I love the pictures...why did I not see you last weekend??

Anonymous said...

I love your update my dear. It was so encouraging and beautifully put. I'm so happy for you! I just love how you love what you do! What a calling to have! Let's hang out sometime ok? :) I like you!