24 November 2008

Sick Day

I felt it coming on last night: a sore throat. Yuck. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it did give me a good enough reason to skip all of my classes today, get a good jump on thanksgiving break and sleep in until 11. Jimmy has been really good to me, he encouraged me to skip my classes and made me some tea. And then I accidently took more meds than I should have, so I'm feeling pretty good at this point. 
This year is going to be a little strange for thanksgiving. Actually this whole year is going o be strange. Lots of change. The family is gone to Europe and so for the first time in my life I'll have thanksgiving with someone else's family. More strangeness: being done with school. Moving home, getting a grown-up job (maybe). I keep thinking that I'll be a grown-up soon, but I still don't feel like I am, and I don't know if I ever want to. I'm excited about re-kindling some friendships when I move home, at least that is the plan. I'm a little nervous about some of the things going on in the hometown and how they will be to deal with, I'm sure it will be fine though. I'm sad about leaving Jimmy here in chi town and some really good friends that i have made. It will be sad not to be able to spend every day with the red-head. I'm excited to spend time with the littlest sis, even though she will be super busy with school and studying her butt off as always. What an over-achiever. Being a slacker is so much more fun. Good work though, Aryn... I'm proud of you and I'm looking forward to seeing what you will become. It will be good times to hang with Mom and Pat. And sit in the hot tub when its freezing out. Anyway, I now have 2 8-page papers to write. No more blogging.